OpenUtilities Substation Help

To Trim and/or Extend One or More Elements

  1. Do one of the following:

    Use the Element Selection tool to select the cutting element(s), then select the Trim Multiple tool ( Drawing > Home > Modify ).


    Select the Trim Multiple tool, then select the cutting element(s). Use <Ctrl+select> to select multiple cutting elements.

  2. In the tool settings window, select the Trim and Extend, Trim, or Extend icon.
  3. Do one of the following:

    Select an element to trim and/or extend.


    Drag a selection line across multiple elements to trim and/or extend.

    As soon as you select the element(s) to trim and/or extend, they are instantly trimmed and/or extended (depending on the mode selected) to their intersection with the cutting element(s).

  4. Do one of the following:

    Select more elements to trim.


    Reset to finish.

    Trim multiple. The cutting plane elements are indicated by handles.